We’re excited to announce that GlobalCerts has released version 5 of the Securemail Gateway (SMG). This upgrade is included in our yearly support and maintenance, at no additional cost! Version 5 of the SecureMail Gateway makes securing your emails even easier, and also provides optional protections to ensure private data doesn’t leave your organization without being properly secured. Below is a list of the new features and improvements in this release:
Advanced Data Leak Protection (DLP)
By partnering with Absolute® Software, a leader in advanced email DLP technologies, we can now offer an extremely easy to use DLP system that will ensure sensitive information like Social Security Numbers, private financial or health information, etc. are not sent out in the clear. Administrators can establish custom rules based on built-in policies, or define advanced regular expressions, dictionaries, and even file ’fingerprints’ to catch specific files from being sent out. As always, GlobalCerts is there to assist you in tailoring the system to meet your organization’s specific requirements. More information is available in the attached whitepaper.
Strong AES Encryption and TLS Capabilities
We have modernized the encryption and digital signatures used by the SMG across the board. All secured emails now utilize the latest AES-256 encryption. All emails and certificates are now signed with the modern SHA-256 algorithm, ensuring your data is secured and trusted, now and in the future.
TLS: As email server technology advances, it is becoming more commonplace for most email service providers to accept secured, server-to-server TLS connections. The SMG now allows you to specify select partner domains that utilize TLS security, and rely on this encrypted connection for email security rather than the traditional SecureMessengerTM web-based delivery. Recipients will receive the email directly to their inbox without the need to enter a password to unlock the message in the SecureMessenger portal
Aesthetics and Usability
SecureMessengerTM Improvements: Notification emails are now delivered in both HTML and plain-text version, giving them a more professional appearance. They also contain your company logo providing more confidence to the recipient.
Revamped Administration: We have improved the look and feel of the web administration for both the admin and SMG users.
Improved Security
Version 5.0 of the SMG also includes all the latest vulnerability and security patches. Built-in components like the OpenSSL cryptographic library are updated to the latest version to address published vulnerabilities. Included are also many minor bug fixes and feature enhancements too numerous to mention here. We strive to continually improve our solutions based on your business needs.